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You already know that recycling helps keep tons of waste out of our landfills. But did you know that recycling helps save energy, too? We here at Caruso Care, Inc. – National Ceiling, Wall & Lighting Network have been doing our part to save energy by using our RIPP Program (recycling-in-place program) for acoustical ceiling tiles, eliminating the process of manufacturing more ceiling tile and using raw materials to do so. We also have been saving energy for years by retrofitting old lighting systems to new energy efficient lighting systems. Do your part to save energy, reduce air pollution and save the environment!
Reducing Air Pollution through Energy Efficiency

Source: US Energy Information Administration, 2001
When fossil fuels are burned in the production of electricity, a variety of gases and fine particles are emitted into the air, contributing to adverse health effects and air pollution. Air pollution is a problem for humans, animals, ecosystems and the built environment. The average adult breathes 3,000 gallons of air every day. Children breathe twice as much per pound of body weight and are, therefore, more susceptible to the effects of air pollution, such as increased asthma rates and serious respiratory problems. Air pollutants can remain airborne for long periods of time and can be carried by winds for hundreds of miles. The most prevalent air emissions from coal-burning power plants are the following:
Carbon dioxide, or CO2, is released to the atmosphere when fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal are burned, and is considered a primary greenhouse gas. Nitrogen Oxides, or NOx, is the generic term for a group of highly reactive gases, all of which contain nitrogen and oxygen in varying amounts. NO2 gives smog its yellowish-brown layer, which can cause visibility problems in many urban areas, most noticeably in national parks.
Sulfur dioxide, or SO2, belongs to the family of sulfur oxide gases (SOx). Over 65% of SO2 released to the air, or more than 13 million tons per year, comes from electric utilities, especially those that burn coal. SO2 reacts with other chemicals in the air to form tiny sulfate particles.
Mercury, or Hg, is an element in the earth's crust. Pure mercury is a liquid metal, and has traditionally been used to make products like thermometers, switches, and some light bulbs. Mercury is found in many rocks including coal. When coal is burned, mercury is released into the environment. Coal-burning power plants are the largest human-caused source of mercury emissions to the air in the United States, accounting for about 40 percent of all domestic mercury emissions. Burning hazardous wastes, breaking mercury products, and the improper treatment and disposal of products or wastes containing mercury, can also release it into the environment. Mercury in the air eventually settles into water or onto land where it can be washed into water. Once deposited, microorganisms can change it into methyl mercury, a highly toxic form that builds up in fish, shellfish and animals that eat fish. Fish and shellfish are the main sources of methyl mercury exposure to humans. Particulate matter, or PM, is the term for particles found in the air, including dust, dirt, soot, smoke, and liquid droplets. PM-10 is filtered naturally by the hairs in your nose as you breathe, but PM-2.5 is much smaller and passes into the lungs.
NEW generation LED technology will dramatically reduce lighting energy by 70% and increase the quality of lighting. LED lighting offers extreme durability, low heat output, significant energy savings, 5-10 time's longer lamp life, and potentially eliminating the ongoing cost for routine maintenance and periodic re-lamping. These new generation LED fixtures replace HID and T-5 lighting. This lighting is eco-friendly, provide energy reductions of 70% over traditional lighting sources and have a rated life expectancy up to 300,000 hours or an average of 30 years. These new generation LED lighting fixtures are eco-friendly, maintenance free, and made in the USA. They contain no mercury or require any special handling or disposal. Presently there are LED lighting fixtures available for street, parking lot, canopies, warehouse, wall pack, and stairwell lighting. Although the initial investment for LED lighting fixtures appear on the surface to be high, you will be very surprised on the considerable short Return on Investment, and the cost of ownership can be significantly less than the cost associated with traditional lighting. Additionally, there are rebate programs to minimize initial out of pocket investment expense. Replacing HID lighting with LED lighting will immediately reduce your energy costs by more than 70%, minimize or eliminate maintenance costs, and provide an eco-friendly investment of the future. Contact TCL Electrical & Lighting for pricing and a Return on Investment Analysis.
Current lighting technology gives you the power to reduce your energy consumption while maintaining the illumination levels you need to be productive and safe. With economic and efficient 25 watt lamps, you can lower your energy consumption while contributing to your environmental sustainability. 25 watt lamps: Can reduce energy costs over 28% vs. T8 and over 43% vs. T12 (See charts below for system wattage reduction) Are an ideal solution for high energy cost areas Provide 2400 initial lumens vs. 2800 lumens for standard T8 Have a 36,000 hour rated life on IS ballast at 3 Hours/Start Are environmentally conscious: TCLP compliant |